Category: Uglich Events

  • Photo festival “Photo Parade in Uglich” 10 – 14 August 2016

    Photo festival “Photo Parade in Uglich”
    10 – 14 August 2016

    The festival units amateurs and professionals in the sphere of photo art and photojournalism and gives the possibility to make new talents known. Original name of photofestival – “Uglich – identity of Russian province” (as it was created for popularization of little touristic town of the Golden Ring of Russia). Festival lasts five days. Festival…

  • Uglich Fair of Harvest 22 August 2016

    Uglich Fair of Harvest
    22 August 2016

    A Fair is organized at the central trade square of Uglich to present the traditional local organic food: vegetables, fruits, berries, honey, milk, cheese etc. The middle of August is the harvest time. The festival offers a festive folklore program and a variety of competitions: contest for the best exhibition place, the best recipe of…

  • Winter Leisure 11 February 2017

    Winter Leisure
    11 February 2017

    Each year the festival «Winter Leisure» in Uglich proves that Russian winter is the best time for fun and new experiences. The festival presents the colorful traditions of Russian festivities and includes different winter activities. The program of the festival includes ice fishing, dog sledding, ice-water swimming, ski race, show of hang-gliders, etc. Visitors of…

  • Maslenitsa 20-26 February 2017

    20-26 February 2017

    Maslenitsa is a traditional Russian festival, a mix of pagan beliefs and Christian traditions, which marks the end of winter. It is celebrated during the last week before Great Lent, eighth week before Eastern Orthodox Paskha (Easter). Maslenitsa is also known as Pancake Week. Pancakes (rus: Блины [Blini]) are usually baked in large quantities and…

  • Paskha (Easter) 16 April 2017

    Paskha (Easter)
    16 April 2017

    A festival and holiday celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Paskha is how Russians call Easter, the main holiday of the Russian Orthodox Church. Believers end 40 days of fasting with midnight church services. During Paskha is customary to eat “Kulich” and “Paskha”, special yeast fruit cakes. Uglich’s visitors will try traditional…

  • Victory Day 9 May 2017

    Victory Day
    9 May 2017

    Victory day or 9 May marks the day when the German military surrendered to the USSR in Berlin in 1945. This day became the end of the Second World War (also known as the Great Patriotic War) for the USSR. Military parades are held annually throughout the country to celebrate this day. The biggest parade…

  • Blagostina End of May 2017 (To be confirmed)

    End of May 2017 (To be confirmed)

    Blagostina (or St Prince Dmitry’s day) is an Orthodox holiday dedicated to Prince Dmitry who died in Uglich and was canonized. On May 15, 1591, Prince Dmitry, an eight-year-old son of Ivan the Terrible and an heir to the throne, was found dead. The Dmitry’s death led to a civil disorder in the city and…

  • Bike festival “Uglich Verst” 16 – 18 June 2017

    Bike festival “Uglich Verst”
    16 – 18 June 2017

    The festival program includes more than 15 types of sports and cultural events dedicated to cycling. Both professional and amateur bicyclists of different age take part in the Bike festival “Uglich Verst”. Among the festival activities are Mass bike rides, extreme bike shows, competitions in figure biking and slow ride, road cycle race along the…

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